Redeemed California is a non-profit operating out of the bay area that was founded out of a passion for revival and unity in the body of Christ. God has imparted a prophetic vision in our hearts to see the people of California encounter Jesus in a tangible way. We think of Redeemed as a movement because in order to fulfill the prophetic word of redeeming California it is going to take all ministries, all believers, and one Ekklesia to see the vision manifest.

Since we are already one church, we unite based off where we live, regardless of what church or denomination we are from. By doing so, we dismantle the divide between different congregations and denominations. When the Tower of Babel was built, the LORD said that when we are one, nothing will be withheld from us. We operate in power and authority when everyone does their part in the body of Christ to reap the harvest for our LORD.

Our strategy focuses on community level engagement where we position ourselves in each neighborhood to pray for every person by name, meet their needs, and demonstrate the love of Jesus the way He has loved us. We also understand that none of this will happen unless we are continuously praying. So, in addition to our efforts in the community, we are also focused on building Houses of Prayer that incorporate local worship leaders from multiple ministries that have a like passion for unity and revival. Our goal is that beginning in Solano County and branching out into California every city will have a local House of Prayer where people can come and pray 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

We know that by doing this we will foster unity, take back territory, smash religious barriers, and see the gods of Babylon fall in our cities and eventually our state all for the glory of God!